Can I Use My Boyfriend’s Insurance for Pregnancy?

Health insurance is a critical safety net that can protect us from excessive medical costs. But what happens when you’re expecting a baby and you’re not the primary policyholder? Can you use your boyfriend’s insurance for your pregnancy-related medical expenses? This question, while seemingly straightforward, opens up a complex web of considerations involving insurance policies, legal statuses, and personal circumstances. In this article, we delve into these intricacies to provide a comprehensive understanding of this important issue. Whether you’re an expecting mother, a supportive partner, or simply someone interested in the nuances of health insurance, this article aims to shed light on the possibilities and limitations of using a partner’s insurance for pregnancy.

Eligibility for Coverage

Eligibility to use partner's insurance for pregnancy expenses

When discussing the use of a partner’s insurance for pregnancy-related expenses, it’s important to consider the following general conditions:

  1. Health Plan Enrollment: To use a partner’s health insurance, the expecting mother must be enrolled as a dependent or covered individual under the partner’s plan. This often requires the plan to be one that covers family members.
  2. Marital Status: For married couples, enrolling a spouse in a health insurance plan is typically straightforward. However, for unmarried couples, the ability to share benefits can depend on whether the insurance plan recognizes domestic partnerships or civil unions.
  3. Domestic Partnerships: Many insurance plans and employers recognize domestic partnerships, which can allow an unmarried partner to be added to a health insurance plan. Requirements for domestic partnerships can include cohabitation, financial interdependence, and not being married to anyone else.
  4. Employer Policies: Some employers offer health insurance benefits to domestic partners, but this is not federally mandated. The specifics can vary widely between different employers and insurance providers.
  5. State Laws: The recognition of domestic partnerships and the associated insurance benefits can vary by state. Some states provide rights similar to those of married couples, including health insurance coverage, while others do not.
  6. Tax Implications: For domestic partners, the value of the insurance coverage may be considered taxable income, unlike the coverage for a legally married spouse, which is not taxed.
  7. Affordable Care Act (ACA): Under the ACA, maternity care and newborn care are essential health benefits, meaning all qualified health plans must cover them. However, being pregnant does not qualify one for a Special Enrollment Period; the birth of a child does.
  8. Medicaid and CHIP: These programs offer health coverage for pregnancy regardless of marital status, and eligibility can begin at any time, not just during open enrollment periods.

Newborn Health Coverage

Individuals must review their specific health insurance policy details and consult with an insurance professional to understand the coverage options available for pregnancy-related expenses, especially when unmarried.

Legal Aspects

Exploring the legal implications and limitations of using a partner’s insurance for pregnancy involves several key considerations:

  1. Domestic Partnership Recognition: The ability to use a partner’s insurance often depends on whether the relationship is recognized as a domestic partnership or civil union, which varies by state and insurance provider.
  2. Consent and Agreement: Both partners must consent to the use of insurance benefits, and there may be specific agreements or documentation required by the insurance company to extend coverage to an unmarried partner.
  3. Insurance Plan Rules: Each insurance plan has its own rules regarding who qualifies as a dependent. Some plans may allow for the addition of a domestic partner and their children, while others may not.
  4. State and Federal Laws: State laws can significantly impact the recognition of domestic partnerships and the corresponding insurance benefits. Additionally, federal laws such as the Affordable Care Act mandate coverage for certain pregnancy-related services but do not directly address coverage for partners.
  5. Tax Implications: The IRS does not recognize domestic partners as spouses, so the value of the insurance coverage provided to a domestic partner may be considered taxable income.
  6. Employer Policies: Some employers may offer insurance benefits to domestic partners, but this is not a universal practice and is subject to the employer’s discretion.
  7. Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART): Legal issues can also arise with ART, such as in vitro fertilization (IVF) and intrauterine insemination (IUI), which may or may not be covered under a partner’s insurance plan. These technologies can present unique legal challenges, especially regarding posthumous reproduction and embryo custody disputes.

Newborn Coverage Without SSN

It’s important to note that the legal landscape is complex and constantly evolving. Therefore, individuals should consult with legal and insurance professionals to understand the specific implications and limitations related to their circumstances.

Insurance Policy Details

Insurance policies can vary significantly in how they handle coverage for non-married partners, and the criteria that must be met for eligibility. Here are some common factors that insurance companies consider:

  1. Cohabitation: Many insurers require that partners have lived together for a certain period, typically ranging from 6 to 12 months, with the intention to continue doing so.
  2. Financial Interdependence: Couples may need to demonstrate financial interdependence, such as joint ownership of property or shared responsibility for living expenses.
  3. Age and Marital Status: Both partners should be at least 18 years old and not married or in a domestic partnership with anyone else.
  4. Affidavit of Domestic Partnership: Some insurers and employers may require an affidavit to be signed, confirming the domestic partnership status and the criteria mentioned above.
  5. Exclusivity: The partners must be in an exclusive relationship, not legally married to others, and not related by blood.
  6. Employer Policies: Coverage for domestic partners can also depend on whether an employer chooses to offer such benefits. No federal law mandates the inclusion of domestic partners in employer-sponsored health plans.
  7. State Laws: The recognition of domestic partnerships and the associated insurance benefits can vary by state, affecting the availability and terms of coverage for non-married partners.

Individuals need to review their specific health insurance policy details and consult with insurance professionals to understand the coverage options available for non-married partners. 

State Laws

State laws regarding insurance coverage for pregnancy can vary widely, affecting eligibility, coverage options, and the rights of the insured. Here are some key points to consider:

  1. Newborns’ and Mothers’ Health Protection Act (NMHPA): This federal law mandates minimum coverage lengths for hospital stays in connection with childbirth. Group health plans and insurance issuers cannot restrict benefits for a hospital stay to less than 48 hours following a vaginal delivery or 96 hours following a cesarean section.
  2. State-Specific Regulations: While the NMHPA sets federal standards, states may have their own laws that provide similar or additional protections. For example, some states require longer hospital stays, while others may have specific rules for insurance coverage of newborns and mothers.
  3. Disability Coverage: States like Wisconsin require employers to provide disability coverage for pregnancy on the same basis as for any other condition, ensuring maternity-related disabilities and healthcare expenses are covered equally.
  4. Healthcare Access: Laws ensure that health plans cannot deny coverage if someone is pregnant, nor can they charge more for a policy because of pregnancy. This applies to insurance obtained through employers or purchased independently.
  5. Postpartum Coverage: Some states offer coverage for a full 12 months after childbirth, while others may have shorter coverage periods. It’s important to check with the state or view states that offer extended coverage.

It’s important for individuals to understand how state laws can affect their health insurance options and to consult with insurance professionals or legal advisors for guidance tailored to their specific situation. 

Financial Considerations

Pregnancy can have a significant financial impact on health insurance premiums and coverage costs. Here are some key factors that might influence these costs:

  1. Plan Type: The type of health insurance plan you have can greatly affect the cost of coverage. Some plans may cover more pregnancy-related services than others. For example, a plan with a higher premium might offer more comprehensive coverage for prenatal care, delivery, and postnatal care.
  2. Deductible: The deductible is the amount you pay out-of-pocket before your insurance starts to pay. If you have a high-deductible plan, you might have to pay more upfront for pregnancy-related services.
  3. Copayments and Coinsurance: These are the amounts you pay for each visit or service after you’ve met your deductible. Some insurance plans might require higher copayments or coinsurance for certain pregnancy-related services.
  4. Out-of-Pocket Maximum: This is the maximum amount you’ll have to pay for covered services in a year. Once you reach this amount, your insurance pays 100% of your covered medical costs. Depending on your plan, pregnancy could cause you to reach this limit more quickly.
  5. Network: If your healthcare provider is not in your insurance plan’s network, you might have to pay more for your care. It’s important to check whether your preferred obstetrician, hospital, and other providers are in-network.
  6. Coverage Changes: Pregnancy can lead to changes in your insurance coverage. For example, you might need to switch to a plan that offers better coverage for maternity care. This could potentially increase your premiums.
  7. Location: The cost of healthcare services can vary greatly depending on where you live. This can affect the cost of pregnancy-related services and, consequently, the cost of insurance coverage.
  8. Number of Babies: Multiple pregnancies (twins, triplets, etc.) can lead to higher healthcare costs, which could potentially impact insurance premiums and out-of-pocket costs.

Remember, every insurance plan is different, and the specifics of your coverage can depend on a variety of factors.

Health Insurance Options for Pregnant Women

Health Insurance Options for Pregnant Women

When looking for the best health insurance options for pregnant women, it’s essential to consider plans that cover a comprehensive range of maternity services, from prenatal care to postpartum support. Based on recent evaluations, here are some top health insurance options:

  1. Kaiser Permanente: Known for its quality care and customer service, Kaiser Permanente offers extensive coverage for pregnancy-related services. It operates in several states and provides a network of physicians and medical facilities.
  2. Blue Cross Blue Shield: With a wide network of healthcare providers, Blue Cross Blue Shield is recognized for its maternity programs and range of in-network doctors, making it easier for pregnant women to find prenatal care close to them.
  3. UnitedHealthcare: This insurer is noted for its low out-of-pocket costs for pregnant women. It has a large network of providers and facilities, which can be an important consideration for comprehensive care during pregnancy.
  4. Aetna: Offering plans with competitive pricing, Aetna is a good option for those seeking affordable maternity insurance. They have a significant network of providers and are known for their customer service.
  5. Cigna: Cigna provides plans with low or no copays for physician visits, which can be beneficial during the frequent check-ups required throughout pregnancy.
  6. Medicaid: Medicaid provides health coverage to low-income pregnant women during pregnancy and up to 12 months after postpartum. The exact eligibility requirements for Medicaid depend on where you live. State Medicaid programs must cover pregnant women who earn 133% of the federal poverty level (FPL) or less. But some states may still cover people who earn more than that.
  7. Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP): In some states, CHIP covers pregnant women. CHIP provides low-cost health coverage to children in families that earn too much money to qualify for Medicaid. Each state offers CHIP coverage, and works closely with its state Medicaid program. CHIP perinatal coverage provides care to unborn children of pregnant women who are not eligible for Medicaid and who have a household income up to 202% of the federal poverty income level (FPIL).

When choosing a health insurance plan, it’s crucial to compare the options based on your specific needs, location, and financial situation. Consider factors like premiums, out-of-pocket costs, provider networks, and covered services.

Postpartum Coverage

Postpartum coverage is an essential aspect of maternal healthcare, and it’s important to understand the recent changes and options available. Here are some key points to consider:

  1. Medicaid Extensions: The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 provided states with the option to extend Medicaid postpartum coverage to 12 months via a state plan amendment. This option, which took effect on April 1, 2022, was made permanent by the Consolidated Appropriations Act 2023.
  2. State Implementation: As of March 28, 2024, 46 states have implemented the 12-month postpartum extension, and 2 states are planning to implement it. This extension aims to improve maternal health and coverage stability and address racial disparities in maternal health.
  3. Iowa’s Expansion: Iowa has recently joined 47 other states to expand Medicaid’s postpartum coverage. The coverage is extended from 60 days to a full year for families with incomes at or below 215% of the federal poverty line.
  4. Impact on Mental Health: Extending postpartum Medicaid eligibility may increase treatment for perinatal mood and anxiety disorders (PMADs), which are a leading cause of perinatal illness and mortality.
  5. Federal Support: The Biden-Harris Administration has emphasized the importance of postpartum care, noting that having access to such care can be life-saving and lead to better long-term health outcomes for new parents and newborns.
  6. Ongoing Care: Extended postpartum coverage can help with ongoing care for chronic conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, substance use disorder, and depression, which are crucial for the health of the mother and the child.

Individuals need to check with their state’s Medicaid program or healthcare provider to understand the specific postpartum coverage options available to them.


Q 1. Can I add my newborn to my partner’s insurance immediately after birth?

Ans. Yes, you can typically add your newborn to your partner’s insurance policy immediately after birth. Most plans offer a 30 to 60-day window to enroll a new child without waiting for the open enrollment period.

Q 2. What are the implications of using my partner’s insurance if we live in different states?

Ans. Using a partner’s insurance across state lines may limit access to in-network providers and could result in higher out-of-pocket costs. It’s important to review the plan’s coverage area and network restrictions.

Q 3. Are there any insurance plans that specifically cater to unmarried couples expecting a child?

Ans. Some insurance plans may offer coverage for domestic partners and their children. It’s best to check with individual insurance providers to find plans that cater to non-traditional family structures.

Q 4. What happens to my insurance coverage if my relationship status changes during pregnancy?

Ans. A change in relationship status, such as entering into a marriage or domestic partnership, can affect insurance coverage. It may allow you to enroll in or change your coverage due to a qualifying life event.

Q 5. How do I navigate insurance claims and billing for pregnancy-related expenses?

Ans. Keep detailed records of all healthcare services received, understand your policy’s coverage, and communicate with your insurance provider to navigate claims and billing effectively.

Q 6. Can I switch to my own employer’s insurance plan during pregnancy if it offers better coverage?

Ans. You can switch to your own employer’s insurance plan if you experience a qualifying life event, such as marriage or the birth of a child, which triggers a Special Enrollment Period.

Q 7. How do changes in healthcare laws affect my ability to use my partner’s insurance for pregnancy?

Ans. Changes in healthcare laws can affect the availability and terms of coverage. Stay informed about legislative updates and consult with an insurance professional to understand how new laws may impact your coverage.


In conclusion, navigating the complexities of health insurance during pregnancy can be challenging, especially when considering the use of a partner’s insurance. While it’s possible in some cases, it largely depends on the specifics of the insurance policy and the legal status of the relationship. It’s crucial to understand the details of your health insurance plan, the laws in your region, and the various options available to you.

Remember, every situation is unique, and it’s always best to consult with an insurance professional to understand the specifics of your situation. We hope this article has shed some light on this complex issue and will help you make informed decisions about your health insurance during this important time in your life.