Do I Need to Tell Home Insurance About My Dog?

Welcoming a furry friend into your home is a joyful event that brings love, laughter, and a bit of chaos into your life. But as you navigate the joys of pet ownership, there’s an important administrative aspect you might not have considered: your home insurance. It’s not just about protecting your possessions; it’s about understanding the implications of having a four-legged companion on your insurance coverage.

In this article, we’re going to talk about why it’s important to let your home insurance company know about your new furry friend. We’ll cover everything from breed-specific policies to possible changes in your premiums. It’s essential to make sure both your home and your loyal companion are well-protected. So, before you get swept up in the fun of dog parks and fetch games, let’s take a moment to understand why your home insurance needs to know about the new paws in your household.

Dog Breed-Specific Insurance Policy

Dog breed-specific insurance policies are a type of coverage that caters to the unique health risks associated with specific dog breeds. These policies can cover a wide range of treatments, procedures, and medications that are specifically related to the health risks of a particular breed. This can include coverage for hereditary conditions, breed-specific diseases, and diagnostic tests that are more common or necessary for certain breeds.

However, it’s important to note that some home insurance companies have lists of banned dog breeds. These are cases where the insurer won’t provide coverage if a customer owns a certain breed. The average dog bite claim has been around $44,760, according to the Insurance Information Institute. To rein in costs, top home insurance companies have lists of banned dogs. Not all home insurers have strict lists of banned dog breeds. Some take dog bite problems on a case by case in deciding whether to offer insurance to the owner.

Breed-specific legislation (BSL) are laws that regulate or ban dog breeds that are believed to be dangerous to humans and other animals. Some insurers currently rely on these lists when underwriting homeowners and renters liability insurance policies, making it difficult for consumers with dogs on the list to obtain sufficient coverage. However, there is a lack of conclusive data to show specific dog breeds are drivers of claims or are more innately risky.

It’s always recommended to check with your insurance provider about their policies regarding specific dog breeds. Some insurers, such as State Farm, only look at an individual dog’s bite history (instead of its breed) when underwriting policies.

The Importance of Disclosing Your Pets to Insurers

The Importance of Disclosing Your Pets to Insurers

Informing your insurer about your pet, particularly details such as breed, weight, and bite history, is crucial for several reasons:

  1. Risk Assessment: Insurers use this information to assess the risk level associated with insuring your home. Certain breeds are considered higher risk due to their size, strength, or historical bite statistics. This doesn’t necessarily reflect on your pet’s behavior but is based on general data.
  2. Accurate Coverage: By providing specifics about your dog, you ensure that your coverage is accurate and reflects your actual situation. If your pet were to cause property damage or injure someone, your insurer needs to know that they’ve accounted for that possibility in your policy.
  3. Liability Protection: If your dog has a history of biting, the insurer may require additional liability coverage to protect against potential claims. Failure to disclose this could result in denied claims or even cancellation of your policy.
  4. Policy Terms: Some insurance policies have specific terms regarding pets, including exclusions for certain breeds or weight classes. Knowing your pet’s details allows the insurer to apply these terms correctly.
  5. Premium Calculation: The breed and size of your pet can influence the cost of your premium. Larger or certain breeds might lead to higher premiums due to the perceived increased risk.
  6. Legal Compliance: In some jurisdictions, it’s a legal requirement to disclose pet ownership to your insurer. Not doing so could be considered fraudulent.

In essence, transparency with your insurer about your pet ensures that you have the right coverage in place and are protected financially and legally should an incident occur. It’s a key step in responsible pet ownership and maintaining a valid home insurance policy.

How Homeowners Insurance Covers Dogs

Homeowners insurance typically provides coverage for dogs under the liability portion of the policy. Here’s how it works:

  1. Personal Liability Coverage: This part of your homeowners insurance provides coverage if your dog causes bodily injury or property damage to someone else. For example, if your dog bites a visitor at your home, the medical expenses would typically be covered under your personal liability coverage. Similarly, if your dog damages a neighbor’s property, the repair or replacement costs could be covered.
  2. Medical Payments Coverage: Some homeowners insurance policies also include a specific component for medical payments to others. This coverage can pay for necessary medical expenses if your dog injures someone, regardless of who is at fault. It’s designed to cover smaller claims and can be used without the need to establish liability.
  3. Legal Expenses: If the injured party decides to sue you, your homeowners insurance policy may also cover the associated legal costs. This can include attorney fees, court costs, and any settlements or judgments up to the limit of your policy.
  4. Dog Breed Restrictions: Certain dog breeds may be excluded from coverage or may result in higher premiums due to their perceived risk. Insurance companies may consider factors such as the breed’s history of aggression, size, and temperament when determining coverage and premiums.
  5. Exclusions: Some homeowners insurance policies may include exclusions related to dog ownership. For example, if your dog has a history of aggressive behavior or has been involved in previous incidents, your insurer may exclude coverage for future dog-related incidents or may cancel your policy altogether.

Insurance Changes After Paying Off Mortgage

It’s important to note that coverage can vary significantly between different insurance companies and policies. Some insurers may exclude certain breeds from coverage or charge higher premiums for certain breeds considered to be more aggressive.

Understanding High-Risk Breeds and Premium Increases

Insurance companies often raise premiums or deny coverage for certain dog breeds that are considered high-risk. Here’s why:

  1. Breed-Specific Risk Assessment: Insurers analyze historical data on dog breeds to assess their risk levels. Breeds with a higher likelihood of aggressive behavior or biting incidents are flagged as high-risk.
  2. Increased Premiums: If you own a dog from one of these high-risk breeds, your insurance premium may increase. The rationale is that the insurer needs to account for the potential liability associated with that breed.
  3. Exclusions and Denials: Some insurers may exclude specific breeds altogether. If you have one of these breeds, your policy might not cover any incidents related to your dog. In extreme cases, coverage could be denied entirely.
  4. Liability Concerns: Insurance companies are concerned about liability claims resulting from dog-related incidents. Breeds with a history of causing severe injuries or fatalities are particularly scrutinized.
  5. Mitigating Factors: While some insurers take a hardline approach, others consider individual dog behavior, training, and responsible ownership. Demonstrating good behavior and proper training can sometimes help mitigate premium increases.

Options If You Can’t Afford Home Insurance

Remember, it’s essential to disclose accurate information about your pet to your insurer. Transparency ensures you have the right coverage and helps avoid surprises when you need to file a claim.

Coverage Limits and Exclusions

Homeowners insurance policies typically include coverage for pet-related incidents, but some limits and exclusions apply. Here’s what you need to know:

  1. Coverage Limits: The coverage available for pet-related incidents is determined by your home insurance liability coverage limits and your medical payment coverage limits. Liability coverage limits are usually between $100,000 and $300,000, and medical payment coverage limits are generally between $1,000 and $5,000. If a claim exceeds these limits, the homeowner is responsible for all damages above that amount.
  2. Exclusions for Certain Dog Breeds: Some homeowners insurance policies exclude certain dog breeds from coverage. These typically include breeds that are considered more likely to bite or cause injury, such as Akitas, American Staffordshire Terriers, Chow Chows, Doberman Pinchers, German Shepherds, Great Danes, Pit Bulls, Presa Canarios, Rottweilers, Siberian Huskies, and Mastiffs.
  3. Exclusions for Dogs with a Bite History: Homeowners insurance companies will never cover dogs with a preexisting bite history, even smaller dogs not typically included on restriction lists.
  4. Exclusions for Damage Caused by Pets: If a pet or animal damages your home, insurance won’t cover it. That includes pests like rodents and termites. However, animal damage from a pet, such as a dog bite, is generally covered under the liability portion of the policy.

Dog Bite Coverage in Homeowners Insurance

Remember, each insurance company has different policies and coverage limits, so it’s essential to read your policy documents carefully.

State Laws Regarding Dogs and Home Insurance

State Laws Regarding Dogs and Home Insurance

State laws regarding dogs and home insurance can vary significantly. Here are some key points:

  1. Prohibition of Breed Discrimination: In states like Michigan, Illinois, Nevada, New York, and Pennsylvania, some laws stop homeowners insurance companies from discriminating based on dog breeds. For example, in New York, there’s a law that prevents insurance companies from denying, canceling, or raising the cost of a homeowner policy just because of the breed of dog someone owns.
  2. Prohibition of Municipal Breed Bans: Other states prohibit municipal breed bans on a city level. This is to combat breed-specific legislation. It means a state does not allow a city to ban specific breeds.
  3. Exceptions: While these laws prohibit breed discrimination, insurance companies may still cancel, increase rates, or refuse to issue policies if a dog is declared dangerous as defined in state law, so long as the action is based on “sound underwriting and actuarial principles” and the action is reasonably related to actual or anticipated loss.
  4. Minnesota’s Law: In Minnesota, an insurer writing homeowner’s insurance for property is prohibited from refusing to issue or renew an insurance policy or contract, or canceling an insurance policy or contract based solely on the fact that the homeowner harbors or owns one dog of a specific breed or mixture of breeds.

Remember, it’s always important to check the specific laws in your state or consult with an insurance professional to understand how these laws may affect your homeowners insurance coverage.

How to Declare a Pet

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to declare a pet to an insurance company:

  1. Contact Your Insurance Provider: Reach out to your insurance provider via their customer service line or through their website. Some companies may have specific forms or online portals for this purpose.
  2. Provide Necessary Information: You’ll likely need to provide information about your pet. This can include the breed, age, health history, and any behavioral issues. Be as accurate and honest as possible.
  3. Answer Questions About Your Pet: The insurance company may ask additional questions about your pet. These could relate to your pet’s behavior, any training they’ve received, and their interaction with people and other animals.
  4. Wait for Assessment: The insurance company will assess the information provided and determine the impact on your policy. This could result in a change in your premiums or coverage.
  5. Review Policy Changes: If there are changes to your policy, review them carefully. Make sure you understand any new terms or conditions.
  6. Confirm the Declaration: Once you agree with the changes, you’ll need to confirm the declaration. This could be through signing a form or confirming via an online portal.

Remember, it’s important to declare your pet to your insurance company to ensure any potential claims related to your pet are covered. Failure to do so could result in a denial of a claim. 

What to Do If Your Dog Isn’t Covered by Home Insurance

If your dog isn’t covered by your current homeowners insurance policy, there are several alternatives you can consider. One option is to shop around for different insurance companies. Each company has its own policies and some may not discriminate based on your dog’s breed. If your dog is a service dog, some insurers may offer an exception to cover your pet.

Another option is to consider getting a standalone specialized liability or renters insurance policy. These policies are separate from your homeowners insurance and can provide coverage specifically for your dog.

You could also look into pet liability insurance, which is a specialized policy that covers injury or damage caused by any kind of dog. This can be a good option if your homeowners insurance won’t cover your dog.

Lastly, if your dog has gone through a certain level of pet training, some insurance companies may offer coverage to your dog’s breed. For example, getting a Canine Good Citizen certification from the American Kennel Club (AKC) might help you request an exception.

Additional Coverage Options

When considering additional coverage options for home insurance with pets, it’s important to explore various policies that cater to the unique needs of pet owners. Here are some options you might consider:

  1. Pet Liability Insurance: This is a standalone policy that specifically covers injuries or damages caused by your pet. It’s particularly useful if your homeowners insurance excludes your pet or has breed restrictions.
  2. Umbrella Policy: An umbrella policy provides additional liability coverage above and beyond the limits of your homeowners insurance. This can be beneficial if you have assets to protect and want extra coverage for potential dog-related incidents.
  3. Specialized Policies for Banned or Exotic Pets: If you own a breed that’s considered high-risk or an exotic pet, there are specialized policies available that provide coverage tailored to these unique situations.
  4. Dog-Friendly Home Insurance Companies: Some insurance companies are known for being more dog-friendly and offer coverage for breeds that are typically considered high-risk. Companies like Allstate, State Farm, and USAA may provide more inclusive policies for pet owners.
  5. Multi-Pet Insurance Plans: For those with multiple pets, multi-pet insurance plans can offer comprehensive coverage that includes routine check-ups, preventive care, and treatment for illnesses or injuries. These plans often come with discounts for insuring multiple pets.
  6. Care, Custody, or Control (CCC) Coverage: This is designed for individuals who are temporarily in charge of animals that do not belong to them, such as pet sitters or dog walkers. It covers liability for injuries or damages caused by animals under your care.

It’s essential to compare rates and coverage details from various insurance providers to find the best fit for your needs. 


Q 1. What happens if I don’t tell my insurance company about my dog? 

Ans. If you don’t inform your insurance company about your dog and your dog causes damage or injury, your insurance company may deny the claim. In some cases, they may even cancel your policy for not disclosing the information.

Q 2. What are some ways to lower my homeowners insurance if I own a dog?

Ans. Some potential ways include ensuring your dog is well-trained, keeping your dog healthy, and shopping around for dog-friendly insurance companies.

Q 3. Does having a fenced yard affect my homeowners insurance if I have a dog?

Ans. Having a fenced yard could potentially lower your premiums as it can be seen as a measure to prevent your dog from escaping and causing damage or injury.


In conclusion, understanding the impact of pet ownership on your homeowners insurance is essential. By disclosing accurate information about your pet, including breed, weight, and any bite history, you ensure that your coverage accurately reflects your situation. Failure to disclose can lead to denied claims, policy cancellations, and legal issues. Explore additional coverage options such as umbrella policies, pet liability insurance, and dog-friendly insurers to protect both your home and your furry companion. Remember, honesty and transparency are key to responsible pet ownership and maintaining a valid home insurance policy.