What Disqualifies You From A Life Insurance Policy?

Life insurance is one of those things we know we probably need, but it’s easy to put off. It’s not just about deciding to get it, though; sometimes, life throws a curveball that makes us ineligible for a policy. In this article, we’re going to talk about what might stop you from getting life insurance. We’ll look at the reasons why an insurer might give your application the thumbs down, from the obvious stuff like age and health to the less thought-about factors like your hobbies or even your credit score. By the end of this, you’ll have a clearer picture of how to stay on the right side of those application forms and make sure you’re covered. So, grab a cup of coffee, and let’s break down the barriers to life insurance together.

What Disqualifies You From A Life Insurance Policy?

Here are some reasons that can disqualify you from a life insurance policy;

Age Limitations

Age is a significant factor in life insurance eligibility. Here’s how being above a certain age can affect your chances of getting covered:

  • Entry Age Limits: Most term life insurance policies set minimum entry ages at around 18 years and maximum entry ages between 60 to 65 years. This range can vary by insurer and policy type.
  • Premium Costs: The older you are, the higher your premiums will likely be. This is because insurers view older applicants as higher risk due to shorter life expectancies.
  • Coverage Options: As you age, the types of policies available to you may become limited. For example, longer-term policies may not be offered to those above a certain age.
  • Senior Insurance: While options narrow with age, there are still choices for seniors, such as whole life policies that can cover individuals up to 99 years of age, albeit at higher premiums.

Understanding these age-related restrictions can help you better navigate the life insurance application process and find a policy that fits your stage in life. 

Health Conditions

When it comes to life insurance, health conditions play a pivotal role in determining eligibility. Here’s what you should know:

  • Pre-existing Conditions: Insurers often evaluate pre-existing conditions like diabetes, heart disease, or cancer. While controlled conditions like hypertension or well-managed diabetes may not disqualify you, more severe conditions often do.
  • Chronic Illnesses: Chronic conditions such as kidney disease, COPD, or liver disease can lead to higher premiums or outright disqualification.
  • Mental Health: A history of mental health issues, especially severe conditions like PTSD or bipolar disorder, may result in denial of coverage.
  • Lifestyle Impact: Conditions exacerbated by lifestyle choices, such as obesity or substance abuse, can also affect eligibility.
  • Underwriting Process: During underwriting, insurers assess your health status to determine risk. Severe or chronic illnesses might make obtaining coverage difficult or more expensive.

It’s important to note that each insurer has different criteria, and being denied by one doesn’t mean you can’t get coverage elsewhere.

Lifestyle Choices

Lifestyle choices can have a significant impact on life insurance eligibility and premiums. Here’s what you should know:

  1. Smoking: It’s well-known that smoking increases health risks, leading to higher premiums or even disqualification from coverage.
  2. Alcohol Consumption: Regular or excessive drinking can also raise red flags for insurers, potentially increasing premiums.
  3. Physical Activity: An inactive lifestyle or obesity can lead to health complications, affecting insurance eligibility and costs.
  4. Driving Record: A history of traffic violations or accidents can indicate a higher risk, resulting in higher premiums.
  5. High-Risk Occupations and Hobbies: Jobs and hobbies that are deemed dangerous, like mining or skydiving, can affect life insurance eligibility and rates.
  6. Travel: Frequent travel to high-risk or politically unstable regions may also impact eligibility.

These factors are assessed during the underwriting process to determine the risk level of insuring an individual. Applicants need to be honest about their lifestyle choices, as nondisclosure can lead to denied claims or canceled policies.

Substance Use

Substance use is a critical factor in life insurance eligibility. Here’s how it can affect your application:

  • Alcohol: Casual drinkers usually don’t face issues, but heavy drinkers or those with a history of alcohol abuse may be denied coverage or face higher premiums. Insurers typically require a period of sobriety, often two to three years, before considering coverage.
  • Illegal Drugs: Current users of illegal drugs are likely to be denied life insurance. Those in recovery may need to demonstrate a significant period of sobriety, sometimes five to ten years, depending on the substance and the insurer’s policies.
  • Prescription Drugs: Misuse of prescription drugs can also lead to disqualification. Insurers assess whether the medication is being used as prescribed and the health condition it’s treating.
  • Testing: Life insurance applications often include a medical exam that tests for drugs, nicotine, and alcohol. Positive tests for illegal narcotics almost always result in denial.
  • Disclosure: Honesty is crucial. Failing to disclose substance use can lead to a policy being voided or claims being denied if the truth comes to light later.

If you’re denied traditional life insurance due to substance use, there may still be options like group life insurance through an employer or final expense life insurance.

Financial History

When it comes to life insurance, your financial history is a crucial factor that insurers consider. Here’s what you should know:

  • Credit History: Insurers may check your credit score to gauge financial responsibility. A poor credit history can suggest a higher risk to the insurer.
  • Bankruptcy: If you’ve declared bankruptcy recently, it could lead to disqualification, as it raises concerns about your ability to maintain premium payments.
  • Income Stability: Your income level and stability can influence the underwriting process, as insurers want to ensure you can afford the premiums.
  • Payment History: A history of late or missed payments on financial obligations can negatively impact your application.
  • Debt Levels: High levels of debt might affect the insurer’s decision, as it could indicate financial stress.
  • Insurance Fraud: Any previous attempts at insurance fraud are likely to result in immediate disqualification from obtaining life insurance.

It’s important to maintain a solid financial foundation and transparency when applying for life insurance. While a challenging financial history can make obtaining life insurance more difficult, it doesn’t always mean you’ll be denied. Some insurers specialize in high-risk applicants, and other types of policies may not require a credit check. 

Criminal Record

Having a criminal history can indeed influence life insurance coverage decisions. Here’s how it might lead to denial:

  • Felony Convictions: If you have a felony on your record, most life insurance companies will require you to wait at least a year after your conviction or until your probation period is over before you can qualify for a policy.
  • Type of Offense: The nature of the crime plays a significant role. Violent or financial crimes are more likely to result in denial compared to lesser offenses.
  • Recency of Conviction: Recent convictions, especially if they are for serious offenses, are more likely to impact your eligibility negatively.
  • Multiple Offenses: A pattern of criminal behavior or multiple offenses can also lead to disqualification from life insurance coverage.

It’s important to note that life insurance companies evaluate criminal records on a case-by-case basis. While a criminal history can be a barrier, it doesn’t automatically mean you won’t be able to get coverage. Working with an independent broker who can compare guidelines from multiple insurance companies may help you find a policy that suits your situation.

Insurance Regulations

The landscape of life insurance is continually evolving, shaped by new regulations that aim to protect policyholders and maintain the integrity of the industry. In recent times, we’ve seen significant regulatory updates that could influence your life insurance policy.

One of the key changes has been the extension of the free look period. This amendment allows policyholders more time to review their life insurance policies and decide if they wish to continue or return them, ensuring greater consumer satisfaction and flexibility.

Moreover, the consolidation of regulations has been a major step towards simplifying the legal framework. By bringing together separate regulations into a unified structure, the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDAI) has made it easier for both insurers and consumers to navigate the complexities of insurance policies.

The year 2023 has been particularly noteworthy, with the IRDAI initiating a host of regulations—from taxing high-value policies to raising surrender values. These initiatives are poised to reshape the sector, potentially making life insurance more accessible and beneficial to customers.

Additionally, the IRDAI has removed segment-based limits for expenses and lifted the cap on commissions, providing more flexibility to insurance companies without compromising customer interests. This change is part of the regulator’s broader efforts to foster a competitive and customer-centric insurance market.

As we move forward, staying informed about these regulatory changes is crucial. They not only affect the products available but also the rights and responsibilities of policyholders. For anyone navigating the life insurance process, understanding these regulations can make a significant difference in securing the right coverage for your needs.

Exclusions in Payouts

Here are some common exclusions to consider:

  1. Suicide: Most policies do not cover death by suicide within the first year or two of the policy’s issuance or revival. If the policyholder commits suicide during this period, the insurer typically returns a portion of the premiums paid instead of the full death benefit.
  2. Life-Threatening Activities: High-risk activities such as skydiving, rock climbing, or racing are generally not covered. These activities increase the risk of death and are therefore often excluded.
  3. Maternity-Related Deaths: Complications during pregnancy or childbirth are usually not covered under standard life insurance policies.
  4. War or War-Related Acts: If the policyholder dies while participating in war or war-related acts, the policy will not pay out.
  5. Aviation-Related Deaths: Deaths in non-commercial aviation incidents are typically not covered. Commercial plane incidents are usually the exception.
  6. Natural Calamities: Deaths due to natural disasters like earthquakes or floods are often excluded, although specific riders can be added to policies for additional coverage in calamity-prone areas.
  7. Substance Abuse: If the policyholder dies due to substance abuse, including alcohol or drugs, the beneficiaries may not be able to claim the life insurance benefit.
  8. Criminal Activities: Deaths resulting from involvement in criminal activities may lead to a denied claim. However, if the policyholder was an innocent victim, the insurer might pay out the benefit.
  9. Hazardous Activities: If the policyholder dies after participating in hazardous activities like bungee jumping or deep-sea diving, the insurer is not liable to pay the claim.
  10. Man-Made Calamities: Deaths due to riots, vandalism, or nuclear activities are typically not covered. This exclusion applies whether the policyholder was involved in or a victim of the event.

These exclusions are standard in many policies, but it’s always crucial for policyholders to read their specific policy documents carefully, as terms can vary between insurers. Additionally, some exclusions can be mitigated by purchasing additional riders or choosing policies that cater to specific needs.


Q 1. Can a family medical history affect life insurance eligibility?

Ans. Yes, a family medical history can affect life insurance eligibility and premiums. Insurers may consider the presence of genetic diseases in your family as a predictor of your health risks, potentially leading to higher premiums or affecting coverage eligibility.

Q 2. How does travel history impact life insurance qualification?

Ans. Travel history can impact life insurance qualification as insurers may view certain travel destinations as high-risk due to factors like political instability, health risks, or natural disasters. This could affect the terms of coverage or premiums.

Q 3. What are the consequences of non-disclosure and misrepresentation in life insurance?

Ans. Non-disclosure or misrepresentation in life insurance can lead to the policy being voided, claims being denied, or legal action against the policyholder. It’s crucial to provide accurate information during the application process.

Q 4. How do previous life insurance claim rejections affect new applications?

Ans. Previous life insurance claim rejections can affect new applications as insurers may view past rejections as an indicator of increased risk. This could lead to higher premiums or difficulty obtaining coverage.

Q 5. How does participation in extreme sports affect life insurance decisions?

Ans. Participation in extreme sports can lead to higher life insurance premiums or denial of coverage due to the increased risk of injury or death associated with such activities.

Q 6. What high-risk occupations might disqualify someone from life insurance?

Ans. High-risk occupations such as fishing, logging, piloting, roofing, and construction can make obtaining life insurance more challenging due to the inherent dangers involved.

Q 7. What are the implications of a life insurance policy lapse?

Ans. A lapse in a life insurance policy can result in loss of coverage, challenges in reinstatement, potential financial penalties, and possibly higher future premiums.

Q 8. Does a change in citizenship or residency status affect life insurance?

Ans. Generally, a change in citizenship or residency status does not affect the validity of a life insurance plan, as most plans offer global coverage. However, it’s important to understand the terms regarding payment processes, repatriation, and tax implications.


In conclusion, understanding the factors that can disqualify an individual from obtaining a life insurance policy is crucial for both potential policyholders and their families. It’s important to be aware of the various aspects that insurers consider, such as age, health, lifestyle, financial history, and more.

By being informed and proactive, individuals can take steps to improve their eligibility or find suitable alternatives. Remember, life insurance is a key component of financial planning, providing peace of mind and security for the future. Therefore, it’s essential to approach the application process with honesty and thoroughness to ensure the best possible outcome.