What Happens If I Start Smoking After Buying Life Insurance?

Life insurance is a crucial financial safety net that offers peace of mind to millions of people worldwide. It provides financial security to your loved ones in the event of your untimely demise. However, the terms of this safety net can be influenced by various factors, one of which is smoking.

Smoking is widely recognized as a health hazard, and its impact extends beyond just health implications. It can significantly affect your life insurance policy, altering your premiums and even the validity of your coverage. But what happens if you start smoking after purchasing a life insurance policy? Does it change the terms of your agreement? And what are the implications of not disclosing such changes to your insurer?

In this article, we delve into these questions, shedding light on the often overlooked connection between smoking and life insurance. Whether you’re a smoker, an insurance policyholder, or someone considering buying life insurance, this article aims to provide valuable insights into how smoking can affect your life insurance coverage.

Impact of Smoking on Life Insurance

Impact of Smoking on Life Insurance

The impact of smoking on life insurance is significant and multifaceted. Here are some key points to consider:

  1. Higher Premiums: Smokers can expect to pay higher life insurance premiums due to the increased health risks associated with smoking. Life insurance companies categorize smokers as higher-risk individuals, which leads to elevated premium rates.
  2. Disclosure Requirements: When applying for life insurance, applicants are required to disclose their smoking habits. Failure to disclose or providing false information can lead to consequences such as policy cancellation or denial of claims.
  3. Types of Tobacco Products: Life insurance companies take into account all types of tobacco use, including cigarettes, cigars, vaping, and e-cigarettes. The type and frequency of tobacco use can affect the classification and premiums of a policy.
  4. Medical Exams: Most life insurance applications involve a medical exam that tests for nicotine or cotinine, a metabolite of nicotine. This helps insurers determine the applicant’s smoking status.
  5. Mortality Rate and Health Risks: Smoking is a leading cause of preventable disease, disability, and death. These health risks directly influence the mortality rates that life insurance companies use to determine premiums.
  6. Life Insurance for Smokers: While smokers can obtain life insurance, they should expect to pay higher rates. However, some insurance companies may offer “smoker-friendly” policies with more favorable rates.
  7. Quitting Smoking: If a smoker quits, they may be eligible for lower premiums. The duration of being smoke-free can affect reclassification as a non-smoker and the potential reduction in premiums.
  8. Starting to Smoke After Buying Life Insurance: If an individual starts smoking after purchasing a life insurance policy, it generally does not affect the current policy or premium rates. However, it’s important to consider the implications for future policies or renewals.
  9. Cost to Society: Smoking-related illnesses are estimated to cost society more than $300 billion every year, which is a factor that life insurance providers consider when pricing their policies.

It’s important to note that these consequences aren’t just limited to cigarettes. Most insurers classify anyone who uses tobacco products (including cigars, pipe tobacco, and chewing tobacco) or nicotine replacements (like patches or gum) as a smoker.

Disclosure of Smoking Habits

Disclosing smoking habits when buying life insurance is crucial for several reasons:

  1. Risk Assessment: Insurance companies use information about your health and lifestyle, including smoking habits, to assess the risk they’re taking on when they insure you. Smokers are generally considered at higher risk because they have a higher likelihood of developing health issues such as heart disease, stroke, and various types of cancer.
  2. Premium Determination: Your smoking status can significantly impact the cost of your insurance premiums. Smokers typically pay higher premiums than non-smokers due to the increased health risks associated with smoking.
  3. Policy Terms and Conditions: Some insurance policies have specific terms and conditions related to smoking. For example, a policy might offer a lower premium if the insured person quits smoking.
  4. Incentives to Quit: Some insurers offer incentives for policyholders to quit smoking, such as reducing premiums after a certain period of being smoke-free. By disclosing your smoking habits, you could take advantage of these incentives.

If you do not disclose your smoking habits:

  1. Policy Cancellation: If the insurance company discovers that you withheld information or lied about your smoking habits, they may cancel your policy.
  2. Claim Denial: If you pass away and it’s discovered that you were a smoker, the insurance company could deny your beneficiaries’ claim to the death benefit. This is because the claim was based on a policy that was issued under false pretenses.
  3. Legal Consequences: In some cases, providing false information to an insurance company can lead to legal consequences, including charges of insurance fraud.
  4. Policy Coverage: Some insurance companies offer specific policies for smokers, which might include coverage for smoking-related illnesses. Not disclosing your smoking habits could prevent you from getting the most suitable coverage for your needs.
  5. Future Premium Increases: If you start smoking after purchasing a life insurance policy, it’s important to inform your insurer. If you don’t, and they find out later, they may retroactively increase your premiums to the rate you would have been paying as a smoker.
  6. Policy Conversion: Some term life insurance policies allow you to convert your policy to a permanent one. If you’re a smoker and didn’t disclose it, this conversion privilege may be denied.

Therefore, it’s always best to be honest and upfront about your smoking habits when applying for life insurance. It ensures that you get a policy that accurately reflects your lifestyle and that your loved ones will receive the benefits they’re entitled to in the event of your death.

Insurance Company’s Rights

Insurance Company’s Rights

If an insurance company discovers that a policyholder has started smoking after purchasing a life insurance policy and has not informed them, the rights of the insurance company can vary based on the terms of the policy and the laws of the jurisdiction. However, generally speaking:

  • No Changes to Current Policy: If the policyholder was truthful about their non-smoking status at the time of application and later starts smoking, the insurance company typically cannot void the policy or increase the premiums for the current term of the policy.
  • Future Policies or Renewals: For future policies or renewals, the policyholder is required to disclose their current smoking status. If they fail to do so and the company discovers they have started smoking, the insurer may have the right to deny coverage or adjust the premiums accordingly.
  • Claims Process: During the claims process, if the insurance company finds out that the policyholder started smoking and did not disclose it when applying for a new policy or renewal, it could affect the outcome of the claim. The insurer might investigate the matter further, especially if the cause of death is related to smoking.
  • Legal Action: If the non-disclosure is discovered within the contestability period (usually the first two years of the policy), the insurer may have the right to cancel the policy or deny a claim. If the non-disclosure is deemed fraudulent, the insurer might take legal action regardless of the time elapsed since the policy was issued.

It’s important for policyholders to review their insurance policy documents and understand the obligations and rights outlined within them. Transparency with the insurance company about any changes in smoking habits is crucial to maintaining the validity of the policy and ensuring that beneficiaries are protected. 

Advice for Smokers

For smokers looking to buy life insurance, here are some pieces of advice that can help navigate the process:

  1. Be Honest: Always disclose your smoking habits truthfully on the life insurance application. Non-disclosure can lead to policy cancellation or denial of claims.
  2. Understand the Rates: Accept that as a smoker, you will likely pay higher premiums due to the increased health risks associated with smoking.
  3. Shop Around: Compare life insurance quotes from various insurers to find the best rates. Some companies may offer more favorable terms for smokers.
  4. Consider Quitting: If you quit smoking, you may be eligible for lower premiums after a certain period, typically at least a year of being smoke-free.
  5. Medical Exam: Be prepared for a medical exam, as most life insurance applications for smokers will require one to verify smoking status.
  6. Explore Smoker-Friendly Policies: Some insurers offer policies tailored for smokers, which might come with better rates than standard policies.
  7. Look for Incentive Programs: Some insurance companies offer incentive programs for smokers who are trying to quit. These can sometimes lead to reduced premiums.
  8. Review the Policy Terms: Make sure you understand the terms and conditions of your policy, especially those related to smoking and health changes.
  9. Ask About Reclassification: If you’ve quit smoking, ask your insurer how long you need to be smoke-free to be considered a non-smoker and have your premiums re-evaluated.
  10. Consider Coverage Amount: Determine how much coverage you need based on your financial obligations and the needs of your dependents.
  11. Professional Advice: Consult with an insurance advisor to understand the specific implications of smoking on life insurance and to explore your options.

By following these tips, smokers can make informed decisions when purchasing life insurance and potentially save money on their premiums over time. Remember, the key is transparency and understanding how smoking affects life insurance policies.


Q 1. How do insurance companies test for nicotine or tobacco use?

Ans. Insurance companies typically test for nicotine or tobacco use through a process called cotinine testing. Cotinine is a metabolite of nicotine and can be detected in your blood, urine, or saliva. During the underwriting process, you may be asked to undergo a medical exam, which could include a cotinine test.

Q 2. What if I only smoke occasionally or socially, does that still count?

Ans. Yes, even occasional or social smoking counts. Most insurance companies do not differentiate between a daily smoker and an occasional smoker. If you use tobacco or nicotine products in any form, you are typically classified as a smoker.

Q 3. Can I get a non-smoker rate if I use nicotine replacement products like patches or gum?

Ans. This can vary by insurance company. Some insurers may still classify you as a smoker if you use nicotine replacement products, while others may offer non-smoker rates if you have not used tobacco products for a certain period.

Q 4. Can I reapply for life insurance if I quit smoking to get a lower premium?

Ans. Yes, if you quit smoking, you can typically reapply for life insurance after a certain period (usually at least one year) and potentially get a lower premium.

Q 5. Are there any life insurance policies that don’t require a medical exam?

Ans. Yes, there are life insurance policies available that do not require a medical exam. These are often referred to as ‘no exam’ policies. However, these policies typically come with higher premiums and lower coverage amounts.


Navigating the world of life insurance as a smoker can be challenging, but it’s far from impossible. The key is to be honest and upfront about your smoking habits when applying for a policy. While this may result in higher premiums, it ensures that your policy is valid and that your loved ones will be financially protected in the event of your passing.

If you start or stop smoking after purchasing a policy, it’s important to inform your insurer. This allows them to adjust your premiums and ensures that your policy accurately reflects your risk level.

Remember, life insurance is all about planning for the future and protecting your loved ones. Regardless of whether you’re a smoker or a non-smoker, having a valid life insurance policy in place is one of the best ways to ensure your financial security.