Can Extreme Athletes Get Life Insurance?

Life insurance is a crucial safety net that many of us consider as part of our financial planning. But what happens when the person seeking insurance is an extreme athlete, someone who willingly leaps into the face of danger for the thrill of it? Can a skydiver, a rock climber, or a professional snowboarder secure a life insurance policy? The answer is not as straightforward as one might think. This article delves into the world of extreme sports and the challenges athletes face when seeking life insurance. We’ll explore how insurance companies assess risk, the impact of extreme sports on coverage and premiums, and the options available to those who live life on the edge.

Understanding Life Insurance

Life Insurance

Life insurance is a contract between an individual and an insurance company, where the individual pays regular premiums in exchange for a payout to their beneficiaries upon their death. The goal of life insurance is to provide financial protection and security for the individual’s dependents.

There are two main types of life insurance: Term Life Insurance and Whole Life Insurance.

  1. Term Life Insurance: This is the simplest and usually the most affordable type of life insurance. It provides coverage for a specific “term” or period (for example, 10, 20, or 30 years). If the insured individual dies during this term, the death benefit is paid out to the beneficiaries. However, if the individual outlives the term, no benefit is paid. It’s important to note that term life insurance has no cash value and is purely a death benefit policy.
  2. Whole Life Insurance: Also known as permanent life insurance, it provides lifelong coverage and has an investment component known as the policy’s “cash value”. The cash value grows over time and can be borrowed against. Whole life insurance premiums are typically higher than term life premiums, but unlike term life insurance, whole life insurance does not expire as long as premiums are paid. Upon the death of the insured, the beneficiaries receive the death benefit, and any remaining cash value goes back to the insurance company.

Each type of life insurance has its pros and cons, and the best choice depends on various factors including the individual’s financial situation, age, health, and personal needs. It’s always a good idea to consult with a financial advisor or insurance professional when choosing a life insurance policy.

Risk Classifications

Insurance companies classify risks based on the likelihood of an insured event occurring, which in the context of life insurance, is the policyholder’s death. For extreme athletes, this risk classification process is particularly crucial as their activities often carry a higher level of risk compared to non-athletes.

Here’s how the classification affects availability and cost:

  1. Risk Classification System: Insurers typically use a system that categorizes applicants into different risk classes, such as ‘Preferred’, ‘Standard’, or ‘Substandard’, based on their health, lifestyle, and hobbies.
  2. Table Rating System: Extreme athletes who pose a higher liability may not fit into the standard categories and are often assessed using a table rating system. This assigns a letter or number indicating their risk level, which directly impacts the premium they’ll pay.
  3. Premium Adjustments: Depending on the risk classification, extreme athletes might pay an additional percentage on top of the standard premium. The higher the risk, the higher the premium.
  4. Coverage Denial or Limitations: In some cases, the risk associated with extreme sports can lead to denial of coverage or policies with specific exclusions for activities deemed too risky.
  5. Specialized Insurance Providers: Some insurers specialize in high-risk profiles and offer life insurance to extreme athletes, albeit at higher premiums and with certain conditions.
  6. Professional vs. Recreational Athletes: The classification can differ for professional athletes who may have rigorous safety protocols in place, compared to hobbyists who engage in extreme sports casually.

Understanding these classifications and their implications can help extreme athletes and those advising them, such as bloggers or financial advisors, to navigate the life insurance market more effectively.

Impact of Extreme Sports on Life Insurance

Impact of Extreme Sports on Life Insurance

The impact of extreme sports on life insurance is significant and multifaceted. Here are some key points to consider:

  1. Increased Premiums: Regular participation in high-risk sports typically leads to increased life insurance premiums due to the greater chance of death.
  2. Coverage Challenges: Extreme sports enthusiasts may find it harder to get life insurance coverage. The frequency and degree of the sport in which they partake are critical factors that insurers consider.
  3. Underwriting Considerations: Insurance underwriting takes into account all health risks, including those associated with extreme sports. Activities like BASE jumping, skydiving, and big wave surfing are scrutinized for the heightened risks they pose.
  4. Specialized Insurers: Some insurance providers specialize in covering extreme sports and may offer policies that include these activities, but the premiums will depend on various factors such as the type of sport, the danger it presents, and the athlete’s level of experience.
  5. Disclosure is Key: When applying for life insurance, extreme athletes must inform the provider about their participation in such sports. Failure to disclose can lead to invalidation of the insurance policy.
  6. Case-by-Case Basis: Each application is treated individually, and in some instances, if the activity is conducted in a professional environment, it might be considered lower-risk, potentially leading to standard rate offers. However, this is not guaranteed.
  7. Professional vs. Hobbyist: The impact on life insurance rates can differ between career-level extreme sports athletes, who generally pay more, and those who engage in extreme sports as a hobby.

By understanding these impacts, extreme athletes can better prepare when shopping for life insurance and ensure they get the coverage that suits their adventurous lifestyle.

Specialized Coverage Options

For extreme athletes seeking life insurance without restrictive exclusions, there are specialized insurance companies that cater to high-risk profiles and adventure sports enthusiasts. These companies often provide more comprehensive coverage options that can include a range of extreme sports activities. Here are a few options to consider:

  1. World Nomads: Known for its focus on adventure travel insurance, World Nomads offers coverage for a wide array of sports and activities as part of its policies. They are recommended by major travel guides and provide coverage in partnership with insurers like Bupa, AIG, and Nationwide.
  2. HCC Medical Insurance: Now part of Tokyo Marine, HCC Medical Insurance provides specialized travel insurance options that can cover leisure trips, missionary trips, and even exchange students, with a range of coverage levels.
  3. Providers like IMG, Geoblue, VUMI, and April International: These companies offer benefits that cater to those engaging in extreme sports, with options for comprehensive coverage that may include activities often excluded by other insurers.
  4. Seven Corners and IMG: They offer additional coverage for adventure sports through optional riders, which can be purchased alongside their travel medical insurance policies.

When looking for life insurance, extreme athletes should carefully review the terms and conditions of the policies offered by these specialized insurers to ensure that their specific sports are covered. 

Group Insurance Covers

Group insurance through employers can be a viable option for extreme athletes looking for life insurance coverage. Many employers offer life insurance policies as part of their benefits package, and some of these policies may include coverage for extreme sports. Here are some points to consider:

  1. No Medical Underwriting: Employer-provided life insurance often does not require medical underwriting, which can be beneficial for those engaged in high-risk activities.
  2. Inclusion of Extreme Sports: Some group policies may cover extreme sports either as standard or as an optional extra, providing coverage during work-related team-building activities or vacations.
  3. Cost-Effective: Group insurance can be more affordable than individual policies, and in some cases, employers may cover the entire premium or a significant portion of it.
  4. Convenience: Obtaining life insurance through an employer can be more straightforward and convenient, as the process is typically handled by the company’s HR department.
  5. Supplemental Coverage: For those who already have personal life insurance, an employer’s group policy can act as supplemental coverage, increasing the total benefit available.
  6. Hazardous Sports Rider: Some group insurance plans may offer an optional ‘Hazardous Sports Rider’ that provides coverage for injuries or accidents resulting from adventure sports. This rider typically covers medical expenses, medical evacuation, accidental death and dismemberment, and repatriation.
  7. Coverage Amounts: When comparing plans, it’s crucial to look at the coverage amounts allotted for each activity. Even if an activity is covered, there might be plans that offer higher monetary protection for the same activity elsewhere.

Extreme athletes need to check with their employer’s HR department to understand the specifics of the group life insurance offered, including any coverage for extreme sports and the related terms and conditions.

Professional Athletes vs. Hobbyists

When it comes to life insurance, insurance companies often view professional extreme athletes and hobbyists differently due to the distinct levels of risk and commitment involved in their activities. Here’s a comparison of how insurers may assess each group:

Professional Extreme Athletes

  • Risk Management: Professionals usually have rigorous safety protocols and access to top-tier equipment, which can mitigate risks.
  • Training and Experience: They often possess a higher level of skill and experience, which can be favorable factors during the underwriting process.
  • Insurance Products: There may be specialized insurance products tailored for professionals that recognize their expertise and risk management practices.
  • Training and Expertise: Professionals usually undergo extensive training and have a deep understanding of their sport, which can reduce the likelihood of accidents.
  • Safety Measures: They often have access to advanced safety equipment and follow strict safety protocols, which can be seen as mitigating factors by insurers.

Hobbyist Extreme Athletes

  • Higher Perceived Risk: Hobbyists might not have the same level of training or access to safety measures, leading to a higher perceived risk by insurers.
  • Insurance Availability: They may face more challenges in obtaining life insurance and could be subject to higher premiums or exclusions for their activities.
  • Underwriting Scrutiny: Hobbyists’ applications might undergo more scrutiny, and they may need to provide detailed information about their extreme sports activities.
  • Less Formal Training: Hobbyists may not have the same level of formal training or access to professional-grade safety equipment, increasing their risk profile.
  • Varied Frequency of Participation: The frequency with which hobbyists participate in extreme sports can vary greatly, affecting their risk assessment.

Both professional and hobbyist extreme athletes are considered high-risk by life insurance companies, but professionals might have an edge in obtaining coverage due to their professional approach to risk management. However, both groups should expect to pay higher premiums compared to individuals who do not engage in extreme sports.

Advice for Extreme Athletes

For extreme athletes seeking life insurance, finding the right policy requires a blend of diligence, transparency, and strategy. Here are some tips to help you secure the best life insurance policy:

  1. Talk with Other Athletes: Connect with peers who participate in the same sports and have life insurance. Their experiences can guide you to understanding which companies are more accommodating to extreme sports enthusiasts.
  2. Be Honest About Your Activities: Always disclose your participation in extreme sports when applying for life insurance. While this may result in higher premiums, non-disclosure could invalidate your policy.
  3. Detail Your Participation: Share how often and to what extent you engage in extreme sports. This helps insurers accurately assess your risk and offer a policy that reflects your actual lifestyle.
  4. Shop Around: Don’t settle for the first quote you receive. Compare policies from different insurers to find the best rates and coverage for your specific needs.
  5. Safety Training and Certification: Undertake safety training courses and obtain certifications if available. Demonstrating a commitment to safety can positively influence your life insurance rate.
  6. Use Quality Safety Equipment: Invest in highly-rated safety equipment and inform your insurer about it. This can be a factor in lowering your premium.
  7. Consult an Insurance Advisor: An advisor can help you navigate the complex market and find insurers who specialize in or are willing to cover extreme sports.
  8. Research Insurers’ Risk Assessment: Before applying, research potential insurers’ risk assessment processes and read customer reviews to gauge their receptiveness to extreme sports.
  9. Consider Specialized Insurers: Some companies focus on high-risk clients and may offer better terms for extreme athletes. Explore these options for potentially more favorable coverage.
  10. Understand Policy Exclusions: Be clear on what your policy covers and any exclusions that apply. If necessary, look for additional riders to cover specific activities.

By following these tips and emphasizing the importance of honesty and safety, extreme athletes can find life insurance policies that provide the necessary coverage without compromising on their passion for adventure.

Insurance Rates for Extreme Athletes

The average insurance rates for extreme athletes can vary widely based on several factors, including the type of extreme sports, the athlete’s age, health, frequency of participation, and the amount of coverage sought. Here’s a general overview of what extreme athletes might expect:

  • Term Life Insurance Rates: For extreme athletes, the cost of term life insurance is generally higher than the national average. While the average monthly rate for life insurance in their 20s might be around $8 for females and $9 for males, extreme athletes can expect to pay at least $10 to $14 more per month.
  • Policy Amounts: The monthly premiums also depend on the policy amount. For example, a $100,000 policy might cost an average of $8 to $9 per month for individuals in their 20s, but this rate increases with age and policy amount. A $1,000,000 policy could cost around $28 to $35 per month for females and males respectively in their 20s, and significantly more as they age.
  • Additional Costs: For those participating in extreme sports, insurers may add additional costs to the monthly premium, which could be a flat extra fee or a percentage increase based on the level of risk involved.
  • Travel Insurance for Sports: When it comes to travel insurance that includes sports coverage, athletes might pay around 5% to 10% of the total trip cost. This rate will vary depending on age, trip cost and duration, location, planned activities, and other factors.
  • Athlete Liability Insurance: This coverage typically ranges from $100 to $500 per year for amateur or recreational athletes. Professional athletes may face higher premiums, ranging from $500 to several thousand dollars per year, depending on the level of competition and the nature of the sport.

Extreme athletes need to shop around and compare quotes from multiple insurance providers to find the most affordable and suitable coverage for their needs.

Importance of Full Disclosure

It’s crucial to emphasize the importance of full disclosure when applying for life insurance, especially for extreme athletes. Here’s why:

  1. Accuracy of Risk Assessment: Insurance companies base their premiums on the level of risk they’re taking on. If you don’t fully disclose your participation in extreme sports, the insurer can’t accurately assess that risk. This could lead to you being underinsured or paying less than you should be for your policy.
  2. Policy Validity: If you withhold information about your extreme sports participation and the insurer finds out later (for example, if you file a claim), they could declare your policy invalid. This means they wouldn’t pay out the death benefit to your beneficiaries.
  3. Legal Consequences: In some cases, not disclosing relevant information when applying for life insurance could be considered insurance fraud, which can have serious legal consequences.
  4. Peace of Mind: Knowing that you’ve been completely honest in your application and that your insurer has all the relevant information gives you peace of mind. You can rest assured knowing that if something were to happen to you, your beneficiaries would receive the death benefit as expected.

Remember, honesty is always the best policy when it comes to life insurance. It ensures you get the coverage you need and that your loved ones will be taken care of in the event of your untimely death. It’s always a good idea to work with an experienced insurance agent or broker who can guide you through the application process and help ensure you’re fully disclosing all relevant information.


Q 1. Can extreme athletes get coverage for training-related injuries?

Ans. Yes, many life insurance policies that cater to extreme athletes can cover training-related injuries. However, the specifics depend on the policy’s terms and conditions.

Q 2. How does the frequency of participating in extreme sports affect life insurance rates?

Ans. The more frequently an athlete participates in extreme sports, the higher the perceived risk, which can lead to increased premiums.

Q 3. Is there a difference in life insurance rates between competitive and non-competitive extreme athletes?

Ans. Yes, competitive athletes may face higher rates due to the increased risks associated with competitions.

Q 4. Can I reduce my life insurance premiums if I have a proven safety record in my sport?

Ans. A proven safety record can be a positive factor during the underwriting process and may help in negotiating lower premiums.

Q 5. What happens if I start participating in extreme sports after purchasing a life insurance policy?

Ans. You should inform your insurer about the change in your risk profile to ensure your coverage remains valid.

Q 6. How can I prove my participation in extreme sports when applying for life insurance?

Ans. You may need to provide documentation such as membership in sports clubs, training certifications, or competition results.


In conclusion, while extreme athletes face unique challenges when securing life insurance, it’s far from an insurmountable hurdle. With careful research, honesty in application, and potentially seeking specialized providers, extreme athletes can find a policy that suits their needs. The world of extreme sports is thrilling and full of adventure, but it’s equally important to ensure that the financial future of one’s family is secure.

Life insurance provides that security, offering peace of mind that loved ones will be taken care of, even in the face of extreme risks. So whether you’re a professional athlete or an adrenaline junkie, remember that the right life insurance policy is out there for you. It’s just a matter of finding it.